Dirkse Counseling & Consulting
Dirkse Counseling and Consulting, Inc. was founded in 1997. Today, Dirkse employs over twenty professional counselors, consultants and coaches who serve the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
We envision a world where individuals, families, and the workplace are strong, cohesive and inclusive, despite our differences.
To provide solutions to relationship, life and workplace inclusion challenges via effective counseling, coaching, training and collaboration.

Family Counseling
Dirkse Counseling & Consulting has 23 years of committed excellence with assisting people in finding their ability.

Job Seeker/
Disability Solutions
As a job seeker with disabilities, you have many talents, skills, and abilities. At Dirkse we help you explore and identify job ...

Employer Disability
Workplace Solutions
Successful recruitment, training, and retention of people with disabilities is an emerging area of focus in workforce ...
you can trust.
Since 1997, Dirkse Counseling and Consulting, Inc. has committed to ensuring that we understand your needs and guide our clients on a path to success. Your satisfaction in the process and outcomes are our goal.
- Dirkse is trusted to find solutions to workplace inclusion, life and relationship goals.
- Dirkse has been successful in helping thousands of job seekers with disabilities find work that they enjoy.
- Dirkse partners with community leaders and employers to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace.
- Dirkse believes that care, partnership, support and skilled intervention facilitate growth.

Client Testimonials
Dirkse Counseling & Consulting
Our Blog

Success Story – Kevin
Kevin Moran is a hard-working, determined man from Beaverton; so determined that he did not let his disability stop him from his goal of obtaining

Beaverton Businesss is Tapping into the World of Disability Inclusion and Finding Dependable and Reliable Help
In case you haven’t heard, there is a labor shortage in the United States and it’s even being felt here in Beaverton. Factors such as the increase in the minimum wage, the rising cost of medical insurance,

Prior Experience Not Required – Exploring Different Fields with Righteous Clothing
Gary Chiravalli of Dirkse Counseling and Consulting, Inc, left back row; Mychal Shelton of Righteous Clothing, left front row; Centennial Transition Center students, middle; Sara