As the video ended and the house lights came on, the audience roared with applause. The message was clear – be the unlimited you.
This October, over 150 people from different industries in the Portland metro area gathered at the Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton for one reason – learning about the business case for disability inclusion at Amplify! Success 2019. While some had attended previous Amplify! events, others were new faces, eager to figure out how they could improve their hiring practices, workplace culture, and get connected with employment provider agencies to create positions out of their business needs.
But what is it to be the “unlimited you”? Unlimited is boundless, indefinite, infinite, and endless possibilities. When we are unlimited, we open ourselves up to opportunities to see without limits. It is pushing past boundaries, defying expectations, and moving past the finish line to see what’s next. Amplify! Success provides an opportunity for employers to gain a different perspective on creating a workplace culture that allows their employees to be an unlimited version of themselves. With the support of a company that allows them to work without biases or predetermined boundaries, employees are more likely to stay on staff and have more positive morale, ultimately leading to lower training costs and the potential to increase a company’s bottom line.
When companies create inclusive hiring practices, develop an accepting workplace culture, and hire people with disabilities, they are providing them with an opportunity to show their boundless potential and succeed. Local businesses like BESThq, Big Al’s, Beaverton Chamber of Commerce, and many more are just a handful of companies that have worked with employment providers like Dirkse Counseling and Consulting to see the benefits of disability inclusion in the workforce and how they can provide all of their employees with the ability to succeed without limits.