Assisting clients through their challenges in employment
Job Coach Spotlight: Alexandra Swanson
Supported Employment is a field where social services, psychology, and behavioral health all intersect. Job coaches at Dirkse Counseling & Consulting entered this profession with a passion for serving individuals and the community, and an educational background that prepared them for a successful career.
Alexandra Swanson recently commemorated her first anniversary with Dirkse, so I asked her about her experience working with individuals with disabilities as a supported employment professional.

Q: How did you first hear about job coaching and what interested you about it?
A: I heard about job coaching from a family friend. I looked into the role of a job coach and what really interested me was being able to help individuals be successful in the workforce.
Q: How did your field of study prepare you for this type of career?
A: My field of study in college was human services. During college, I took classes on social issues, counseling techniques, and interpersonal skills. This understanding significantly improved my ability to assist clients through their challenges in employment.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about being a job coach?
A: I enjoy providing support to my clients so they are able to achieve their goals. I love that I get to be involved in their success. My goal as a job coach is to be able to assist clients toward successful employment.
Q: What advice would you give someone who was looking into supported employment as a career path?
A: My best advice is to be open to trying new things! All clients have slightly different learning styles. Being able to identify how a client learns best is very important. Sometimes you will have to do things outside of your comfort zone for your clients to be successful.
Q: Why choose Dirkse Counseling & Consulting?
A: Dirkse has so many amazing employees and clients. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to work as a job coach at Dirkse.